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Friday, January 20, 2012

our first three boxes are on the street!

We proudly inagurated three unique pieces of public art in 2011!

Below: Mayor Tom Bates is joined by the artist Mariana Garibay R. and John Caner (Executive Director of the Downtown Berkeley Association). A big thank you to Tom Bates and Loni Hancock for their sponsorship....and to Mariana for a gorgeous design!

ABOVE:  Ryan Kerrigan (artist of "Redwood) celebrates the box with John Knox, Executive Director of the Earth Island Institute, who sponsored this unique design!

At Right: Several Students at the Studio  One Arts Center designed this box, showing their vision for a sustainable future! A huge THANK YOU to the Open Circle Foundation for funding youth involvement in this project. Keep an eye out for a few more youth designed boxes, also generously supported by the Open Circle Foundation!


The Streets Alive Team!

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